Hi, I'm Pete.

headshot of Peter Tardif

I am a natural leader and developer who prides himself on diligence, collaboration, and delivering on time and above expectations. I have a passion for collaborating with great developers and using technology to make people's lives and work easier. I love being a father, a husband, crafting house projects, and learning.

Family Vault

My wife and I love our children. So many things they do are very precious and dear to our hearts. We often find ourselves saying, “we have to write this down.” We wanted to easily capture these moments where a picture or image would not be able to tell the full story. So, when you fail to capture the picture or video and cannot recreate the moment...Vault it! This app helps capture memories by “Naming it,” “Describing it,” and “Capturing it”! Forever capture your family's precious moments through thoughts, letters, audio, images, and videos.

React.js Node.js HTML5 CSS3 Postgresqlpostgresql icon

The Community Toolbox

The Community Toolbox is an online tool library where users can find and rent tools for home improvement projects. The full stack application allows the user to create a profile for reserving tools and checking them out. When a tool is checked out the user is given instructions to the warehouse and how the pick-up process works. The user interface allows the user to quickly check a tools availability and to keep track of their checked out tools. The Community Toolbox is an excellent reservation resource for local tool libraries to feature their inventories online.

React.js Node.js HTML5 CSS3 Postgresqlpostgresql icon

Programming Focus

This application was designed for developers, especially beginners, to search for programming or code-related concepts that return relevant questions from Stack Overflow and educational videos from YouTube.

JavaScript HTML5 CSS3 jQueryjQuery icon